
400 N. Bowen Rd. #206 Arlington, Texas 76012

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5213 Kaltenbrun Rd. Fort Worth, Texas 76119

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Apps for Location and Safety

Anywhere you may need a tow truck, or roadside assistance in DFW, from Fort Worth to Arlington to Dallas, or anywhere in-between, it can be difficult to relay to a tow truck driver exactly how to find you. Fortunately, with smartphones, providing your location is easier than ever before. By using Google Maps you can quickly share with a tow truck driver where you are located.

Google Maps gives step-by-step instructions for how to share your location on an Android device as well as on an iPhone (or iPad). Your location is shared, automatically (or by default) for one hour, or you can set it to be active until the location sharing is turned off.

Another option is Apple Maps. Or, you can use the Glympse app which is free for Android or iOS. It allows you to share your location and has other features similar to Google Maps and Apple Maps.

In addition to these location sharing apps, there are specific apps to make sure you stay safe while waiting for a tow or anywhere else you may be. Some safety apps for Android and Apple include:

Family Locator 2 – GPS Tracker on Google Play and Apple allows you to send or receive SOS with an exact location and allows creation of your own groups. It shows the history of family members’ locations for the previous 7 days (as an in-app purchase) and provides real-time tracking of your phone.

bSafe – Has lots of nice features such as SOS which can send an alarm alerting others to where you are and your GPS location which includes tracking. It also has video and audio with time stamps. Other cool features include a “fake call” which helps get you out of unpleasant situations if necessary.

Circle of 6 Allows the creation of a group of up to 6 trusted individuals. It also has a pin icon that can send a text to your circle asking for help along with your GPS location. Like bSafe, it also has a “fake call capability.

It’s important to know that location sharing, and even personal safety apps, can have negative impacts if not used properly. The circle of people allowed to have access to your location should be small and include only those you trust with your safety.

Just as technology can be a great help when you’re in need of roadside assistance in DFW, Titan Towing can help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. With Titan’s team of experts, help is quick, professional, and courteous. Keep Titan Towing as a contact in your smartphone for reliable, affordable towing anytime you might need it.

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